Delta 9: What is its history?
was first discovered and isolated by Raphael Mechoulam in the 1960s at the
Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. In 2003, the World Health Organization
(WHO) recommended looking for potential uses. The Agriculture Improvement Act
of 2018 allows hemp products not exceeding 0.3% thc
8 was considered to sell legally under the farm bill passed in 2018.
Female cannabis plant
cannabis plants contain 113 cannabinoids, including CBD, which helps people
with sclerosis, and CBC, which produces a pain-killing effect.
Canada in 2018, 220 dietary supplements and 19 health products containing less
than 10 parts per million THC were approved.
THC is an illegal drug
Delta 9 THC is illegal
in most states worldwide due to its effects on the human body. In the United
States, NID and DEA play significant roles in it.
cannabis is legalized for medical purposes in more than half of the states of
the United States, still no products have
been approved for federal commerce by the Food and Drug Administration. This
status limits cultivation, manufacture, distribution, clinical research, and
therapeutic applications.
In 2015, a
review showed and confirmed that marijuana helps treat chronic pain and for
treating spasticity but still has a lot of side effects.
Effectiveness and non-effectiveness of THC
There are lots
of effects of THC on humans. Here we'll discuss the effectiveness and no impact
of THC on diseases.
· Spasticity:
Oral cannabis and THC were both rated as possibly effective
for improving objective measures of spasticity.
· Mediated pain:
Based on 8 trials, THC
was probably influential in treating central pain and mediated pains.
· Bladder dysfunction:
THC was rated ineffective for controlling bladder dysfunction
on the single high-quality test.
· Huntington disease:
The trials taken to test the THC effect on this disease were
too small to reliably detect differences so that no conclusion could be drawn
· Parkinson’s disease:
There was no THC effect on it, based on a single study.
· Alzheimer’s disease:
Trails in 2009 found insufficient evidence to show whether
THC is effective in treating Alzheimer’s disease or not.
· Tourette syndrome:
The data was insufficient to determine the effectiveness of
THC on this disease.
· Cervical dystonia:
data were available to test the effectiveness of THC in the treatment of
cervical dystonia.
Edibles and smoking
The first cannabis
recipe of delta
9 edibles was appeared in the United States in the 1960s. Brion Gysin
contributed the recipe called Hashish Fudge.
Cannabis was
smoked as part of ritual or religious activities in western China at least 2500
years ago. Now, smoking is widespread around the world. It is also used to
intake THC. Smoking is the fastest way to get high on THC.
We have
discussed the significant history of THC cannabis and its effects on the human
body. People use THC for medical purposes, as well as to get high. It all
depends on the use of it! Positive use can have its own benefits.
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